It is ok to miss you?

I don’t miss you physically, cause you’ve always been a ghost.

Perhaps I miss the thought of you.

What you mean to me, as opposed to who you are.

Does that mean I miss the potential of you. Or you?

Is it ok that you still jump into my thoughts when I least expect it. And more often than not, when I least want it?

Is it ok to miss something you never really had?

But the thoughts were there.

Just goes to show how powerful thoughts can be.

Is it ok that they haunt me?

Is it ok that they taunt me?

A brief, glimpse into a different universe. A different time. A different me.

The thoughts of a different you. In a different reality. In a different place.

A fantasy.

It is ok to miss a fantasy?

“The thing that makes a fantasy great, is that no matter how small it is, there’s always a possibility it could happen” (Catherine Willows)

Life’s So Complicated 2022

Photo by Me 🙂